Recognition for more
than half a century of contributions and
achievements to the sport of tennis in
the city of Hammond
1946, 17 Kitchell family members, spanning two
generations advanced the sport of tennis in
Hammond in an unprecedented way. Parents William
and Betty and their offspringNeal, Richard,
John, Donald, Ina, Robert, Nancy, James &
Philipas well as Williams brother,
Walter; his wife, Shirley; and their
childrenDavid, Daniel, William &
Thomascompeted and/or coached the sport in
the city for nearly 55 years. Introduced to
tennis by William upon his return from the Navy
after World War II, Kitchell offspring and
cousins went on to excel. For 21 straight years,
there was a Kitchell presence on Hammond High
varsity teams. For at least 14 years, a Kitchell
earned Wildcat team MVP honors. Before girls high
school tennis evolved, Ina is believed to have
been the first NW Indiana female to play on a
high school boys team (1974). Kitchells also
earned countless tournament championships;
all-conference, all-state and national
recognitions; several played in college; and some
went on to coach tennisincluding Nancy and
Robert at Hammond High (1996-2000). Most continue
to play competitively, as do third generation
Kitchells locally and across the country.